一田現金券 $100
收購價: $90 (%)
Terms & Conditions 使用條款
1. 本禮券只適用於香港一田百貨、一田超市各分店。
2. 本禮券只限使用一次,付款前必須出示此禮券。
3. 本禮券不能兌換現金,找貝賣或退換現金。
4. 本禮券如經塗改、損毀或過期,即告無效。影印本恕不接受。
5. 如遺失本禮券,恕不獲補發。
6. 本禮券需蓋有一田有限公司之印鑑,方為有效。
7. 如有任何有關使用本禮券之爭議,一田有限公司保留最終決定權。

1. This certificate is only redeemable at YATA Department Store and YATA Supermarket in Hong Kong.
2. This certificate can only be used once and must be presented before payment.
3. This certificate cannot be redeemed for cash, change or cash refund.
4. This certificate is void if it is defaced, damaged or expired. Photocopy of this certificate will not be accepted.
5. This certificate will not be re-issued if lost.
6. This certificate is not valid without the company stamp of YATA Limited.
7. YATA Limited reserves the final discretionary right on any disputes regarding the usage of this certificate.
附有收據 方便跟進 放心交易
設有九龍觀塘辦公室交收點 即場交收